ActivityBoard for SuperOffice CRM is a tool for visualizing your activities in a new and different way. It helps you simplify the way you work with projects in SuperOffice CRM. It provides you with an instant overview of your projects and your own and your co-worker’s project-related activities. This lets you see who is responsible and when activities should be done! This helps you save time, increase your productivity and gain better control of your projects so you can deliver on time.
ActivityBoard aims to provide the good features of planning tools such as JIRA, trello, monday.com but at the same time utilize the power and data contained in the CRM system, why work in different islands?
Key features
Overview of all your projects in SuperOffice CRM
Kanban board for your activities and tasks
Kanban board for project activities
Simple administration of activities and projects
Workload and human resource managing
Project templates
Project budget
Time Reporting
Gain controll of your activities
- The app is automatically added to SuperOffice CRM
- Next time you log in to SuperOffice CRM Online, the ActivityBoard navigator button and web panels will be available and ready to use
- This app is priced at €7 per user per month
- The number of users for this app is independent of the number of your users for SuperOffice CRM Online
- Payment is made by invoice, with a 12-month subscription in advance
- You agree to our general privacy terms on this page: i-Centrum Privacy
- All SuperOffice user plans.
- i-Centrum will store information about your SuperOffice online account to be able to send an invoice.
- We will store the SuperOffice user_id for each user that uses the app.